As strange as it sounds, I must have drove to my workplace on a daily basis and the seventh time, guessed it. My curiousity could no longer be contained.
Having read good online reviews on this place, we figured we could give it a shot. Mental note to self, make sure to book in advance to avoid unnecessary waiting. Second mental note: arrive early or be disappointed. Third note? Well...service can be a little "harsh" but don't take it too personally as staff are probably under intense stress.
Hainanese chicken rice ~ yes, this was the much anticipated dish and it lived up to expectations. Moist chicken pieces drenched in sauce and served with fragrant rice. A must have in my books.
Roast duck with noodles ~ succulent meat with a crispy skin layer. Another good one in my books.
Wat dan hor ~ this is a pretty standard dish and on a cold day, it would keep your tummy warmed and happy.
Mee siam ~ not too bad although would have liked a bit more seasoning.
Nasi lemak with curry chicken ~ was a little disappointed with this one as the rice was a bit bland and the sambal was lacking. Every other condiment was fine.
Char kuey teow ~ having tried this dish from various places, this would be something I would order if I am craving for it and I am nearby.
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