More pictures from my dad's kitchen;) No wonder I'm not losing weight as quickly as I wantedx)

Dad's most celebrated roast chicken~~Crunchy on the outside and juicy on the inside. My dad's awesome:)
I like going out with mum coz she knows how to talk to the canto, kepoh aunties as well as to the elderly population. Plus, mum knows where's the good eating spots around^^ I don't mind mixing with the elderly group but there are some exceptions to this matter.
Just today, some old guy (old enough to be my dad) came up real close to me in the market and uttered "leng lui" to which I merely turned to the opposite direction and walked away. At an age close to being a grandfather, you would expect these perverted old men to act their age. Sadly, not all are sane.
Last Sunday's outing shocked me as I watched two scantily dressed girls my age exited a car drove by an old man after being paid. Come on la uncle...don't you have anything better to do? Disgusting and disgraceful:( Thank God my grandpas' are normal!
Ok, enough whining..here's today's SS17 market products:

My last 2010 picture of moi in long hair. Going to the salon to get it trimmed due to some splitting at the edges:(

On a random account, my hair stylist has a 13 year old son who's venturing into hair styling as he's not interested in his studies. Wish I could have plucked up some courage to advise him on the benefits of continuing studies until form 5. It's such a pity to see how he threw away his potentially bright future at this stage. Commencing on his studies can open a broad spectrum of jobs for him and thus, allowing him to better support the family financially (if that's his main intention).
He is gentle yet firm towards his much older customers and perfectionist hair handling techniques totally contraindicates his much aggressive outer appearance. Dressed in loose 3/4 length pants and adorning 3 metal studs on his left ear, he spoke in a shy, soft voice; much to my surprise. Aware of his surroundings, he ensures that customers are well served as they enter the salon:)
To him, I wish him the best of luck for my career and I pray that God'll provide him (and others like him) adequate guidance as well as protect him from walking on the wrong path.
Lunch time:)
wah so much food! the vege is yingchoi ka? when u gonna cut ur hair? hehe thought of using different shampoo? since u didnt dye, or do anything much to ur hair this year?
I think its yingchoixD You'll know tomolo la..if you can recognize me=___=" Lmao i wanna dye my hair browwnnnn:D
lol how short did u cut lers? haha meet ya at 12 @ ur sch entrance ok?
Ermm..i didnt expect it to be tat short but not as short as last year's punya leT___T"
hows tau fu far, got gula melaka ke? eaten ice kacang or chendol yet? taipan got new shop selling chilli pan mee in taipan. must bring u go try. hehe
Haven't makan taufu fa yet but looks okok nia=/ Yay...let's go for pan mee soon;)
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