A few more foodie pictures from home, bought by dad from the market and made by dad with love. I'm expected to eat more in the coming few days prior to my departure..woohoo weight gain:D

Herbal chicken soup with noodles~healthy and fast=x

Tomato omelette~ fresh, juicy..no idea how my dad does it, mine always turns out dry=.=

Mexican/ Rotiboy bun~ addictive coffee aroma and crusty outer layer..pure love:)

Loh por pheang~ this one's a little dry for my liking but it's nicely baked overall:)

Mini tai pau~~equally as good and succulent:)
Recently visited the dentist at my area. Am surprised at all the changes happening in the outlets as the change over is so quick and unexpected.

Moulds of my teeth, courtesy from my dentist~ these moulds were used to shape my MYR 800 retainers..will forever cherish this
painful wonderful visit:)

Tapau-ed food from my mum at a nearby economy rice shop..friendly staff they have:)

My lunch~ strict diet but am lenient on small intakes of sugar hehe..i missed my blueberry buns despite its artificial-nessx) Oh...left bun's vanilla and its not going to be consumed by me (diet ma)xD
Visited a few boutiques which opened at 11am but most of the items displayed were too tacky for my liking. I didnt like the quality nor the workmanship much but maybe its a closing down sign?O.o

Being the vainpot that I am, I've decided to amuse myself with some camwhoring shots~notice the natural blush effects on mexD

I like how my face appears drama poster-ish but disliking the skirt for obvious reasons=.=
On a separate note, I've collected a few more gift pictures just for memory's sake:)

Flower brooch from jusco, bought in 2001, after UPSR~ gave this to my sis after getting back from a mini shopping haul (heaps of pokemon booster packs), and it still looks as good as when I first purchased it:) If only all shops could sell good quality items *sighs*

Glow in the dark stars~ this belongs to my sis but I remembered drooling over them when she bought it..heheh..i find inspiration on just about anything I could get my hands on:)

Lastly, my keychain collection~ Singapore, Sarawak, Indonesia, Cameron Highlands, Terengganu, Penang, China and Solomon Islands..I had to have at least one tiny souvenir from each country/state right? hehe
Will be meeting up with mokbie and some high school friends on Friday**screams for joy and freedom** I sooo wanna go shopping and yum cha>:]
hehehe soon soon!!! wah u got soo much gifts!!
Har...no la...i buy most of the keychains myself when i go there...see..proof that i went penang and sgxD
lols wheres the beh teh saw lehhh?
Inside of me=x
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